things that make me happy, happy life, positive, the beatles, fashion blog, fashion blog usa

Play 'Here comes the sun' by The Beatles.

I've never been a Beatles fan, not because I don't like them, is just I really never listen to them, but there's one song that I love and is not the above one, but it sounds amazing as a soundtrack for this post. Things that make me happy ... There are a ton, but I'll try to summarize for the sake of my fingers and your eyes.
Loving life is so simple yet we make it so difficult and we love to be more negative, because let's face it, it is easier. Since I started this grown up life I've faced a lot of stuff and I usually tell myself 'You don't want to do it? or is it because it is easier to say no and stay home?' and after that I scream a YES I WILL DO IT from my heart. Get out of your comfort zone and you will be happier, see everything in a positive way even if it is impossible, you will be happier. And I mean it, I am in a point of my life (I sound really old although I'm only 23) where I know that old people will tell you things and you should listen, your mom is right, your dad is right. So listen. 

So now, what are some things that make me happy?

  • Flowers, and today was the first day in like 8 months that I brought flowers to my office and while I was walking to my desk EVERYONE was smiling looking at the flowers. Note to self: Bring flowers all the time. 
  • Sunset and beaches. Hours on tumblr reblogging them. 
  • Sheer clothes. Yes, some say they are way too much, I say they are the perfect combination between sexy, chic and elegant. 
  • Friends, but I mean real friends. I count my real good best friends with one hand and spending time with them is amazing! 
  • Enjoy a day alone. It is a day when no one can make me want to do something wether I want to or not. Is a day just for me. 
  • Faux Fur, it is my number one thing when it comes to winter. And I cannot resist a nice Faux fur piece! EVER.