Ok, this is something that I've been struggling to find myself these days, I don't remember when or what made me think about what my 'fashion icons' were but I'm here and have no clue. Well,  I did remember that my fashion icons were the Kardashians sisters and Kate Middleton, two very different people on the spectrum, but I want to find someone who I can really relate all my life, like I can say, YES I love her and I would dress myself like that all my life until I'm 100 years old, yes I do plan to live a lot of years.

I still can't fin my fashion icon, but I think with what I am going to share with you today I will have a better idea of who that person could be.

1. CATCH , every information and pictures and inspiration you can. I am obsessed with pinterest and I was recently thinking who the genius was behind this marvelous idea of having a site full of amazing images about EVERYTHING, absolutely everything in this world. Back to the subject here, try to collect all the information possible, whether they are words about a period of time or people you like or even a lot of pictures you don't know why you put them in your pc folder.

2. DISCOVER, ok this is not, ' Grab your troubles and dreams and may the fate take you anywhere' this is about discovering the era you like, whether it is the 50's, 60's, 70's or just when after the world war some started wearing mini skirts. Discover which period of time you can relate, forever. I know it is hard I am a very influential prone person, I can watch a movie and love the 40's or listen to my favorite CD and ADORE the 70's, so try your best at focusing on only one thing.

3. WORLD, no again, is not travel the world which it could be so nice right? Which cities you like? I mean of course we all love Paris, but think this thoroughly, which city can describe yourself the best. Normally this will give you an idea of how you dress already or what you would like to be dressed.

4. ATTITUDE, is all about attitude. What is YOUR attitude? are you more of an edgy girl, feminine pinky swear girl?, more Parisian flat-striped shirts? How are you. This will also help in to the color scheme or silhouettes.

5. COLORS & AESTHETIC, this is crucial. Yup, you heard me right, CRUCIAL. We need to be realistic here as much as we love the 60's we have to be true to ourselves that we don't wear as much color or if you like the more goth fashion and you are all day in pink outfits it is not going to work. You need to be honest with yourself and adequate all of the points before to this one. To be honest I do love color but in reality for me is so incredibly hard to find them instead of amazing black pieces, that's why the 60's might not be my real thing and just a nice dream. The same goes with the 80's those big ass shoulder you might find them cool, but in reality you are always dressed sleek and that is what you always go for, so really think about the colors and aesthetic.